Business Money Hacks
Episode 1: Preparing To Begin (Living Inside Fear)
Dustin: Growth hack your brand, and then destroy anything that moves.
Bridge: You need to grind-hustle your platform manifest.
Dustin: It's all about entropy, elegance, and finance.
Dustin: Blockchain.
Bridge: Invest in real estate every day.
Dustin: Invest in meal estate every morning.
Bridge: You need to mind-hack the mind shackles that are grabbing your mind.
Bridge: Entrepreneurs
Dustin: Entrepreneurs
Bridge: Entrepreneurs
Dustin: Entre-manure
Dustin: Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a day. Eat the man who've just fished, and you'll eat for a lifetime
Leonidas: Spartans!
Dustin: Business
Bridge: Money Hacks
Leonidas: Our arrows will blot out the Sun
Who are we?
Dustin: Hello, welcome to Business Money Hacks. My name is Dustin Taylor Hahn
Bridge: And I'm Bridge Stuart
Dustin: I want to start this podcast off by sort of explaining who we are and why we're doing this.
Bridge: Yeah
Dustin: Why should we be giving our secrets away, essentially? We're very successful.
Bridge: It really is imparting our potential, that we've definitely maximized
Dustin: Right
Bridge: And being able to utilize that into a streaming form that other people can ingest, cognitively and be able to utilize themselves.
Dustin: Dustin Taylor, you've obviously seen me on TED Talks. I'm best friends with Elon Musk, well I used to be before the acid attack, and I am actually a little bit older than you think
Bridge: Oh wow
Dustin: That's- that's the creams and
Bridge: The cream
Dustin: There's a lot of bloodletting inv- I don’t- we need to get into
Bridge: the whole bloodletting
Dustin: The ceremonies… that can come later
Bridge: Yeah
Dustin: Essentially, I live in this compound here in New Or- New Zealand, used to be from New Orleans, and then I moved it with helicopters into New Zealand. We're in my compound right now. Bridge is welcome. He's my confidant.
Bridge: I have access
Dustin: You have the gold card
Bridge: yeah, yeah so and I'm Bridge Stuart. I've been involved heavily in tech for the past 15 years. So yeah I'm invested in all the- The Big Five. The big five tech companies, you know what they are.
Dustin: Google
Bridge: Google
Dustin: Amazon
Bridge: LinkedIn
Dustin: LinkedIn
Both: *giggles*
Bridge: And Softsoft. It's the- they create extra soft software, and that's really gonna be driving things. I've been inve- involved in tech for the last 15 years, mostly in very hostile banking in regards to investment, very very heavy investing.
Dustin: Well you were saying that you watched the movie Boiler Room…
Bridge: Yeah, I want it to be the Vin Diesel of software and that's where I am. I mean, I both make a lot of money and I work out.
Dustin: Well it's important to keep your body fit, and then that kind of brings me to what I do. As opposed to technology, I do invest in your companies, but I'm more interested in people and what you can do with the human mind, the human brain. Some people are not really gonna make it. They're not they're not gonna reach their full maximized potential. It's a shame. Why should the brain matter go to waste? And I'll leave it at that.
Preparing To Begin
Bridge: Okay, kicking off with this first episode, we've decided to, you know, basically give a rundown. What we thought would be appropriate is: preparing to begin. You have to start somewhere, and that's where we want to start, is at the start. There's a lot of things that you need to learn. There's a lot of things that you need to prepare in order to begin. And it's scary. The the key is to understand the fear, wrap your brain around fear, and live inside of fear. I grew up in the sewer. I grew up in the sewer, I mean I was- I was raised in Connecticut, but I spent a solid three weeks in the sewer of New York when I moved there, collecting various items. I was doing photography at the time. I was taking pictures of things in the sewer that I'd find, and at a certain point I was- I was walking around the raw feces, and this rat tried to take a sandwich that I had. You know, I was hungry. I was real hungry, and then here's this rat trying to take a sandwich away from me. The rat got the sandwich and ran into one of its rat holes, which they build. And that's when I looked at myself and I'm like “Man, what's going on here? I'm in a sewer.” And that's when I had to climb right out, and it was scary climbing out of the sewer for me because you don't start any lower than a sewer. Again, I was raised in Connecticut, but
Dustin: Yeah your family- you were prominent
Bridge: They
Dustin: members of the Connecticut state
Bridge: The State Traders they, they trade a lot out of Connecticut: deep shipping, and but when I moved to New York I started from the bottom, below the bottom. I really learned to look fear in the face in those dark tunnels.
Dustin: Look fear in a face and shoot it in the face.
Bridge: Grab it by the neck and strangle it. Strangle fear is what I say
Dustin: When I was younger I had no idea how I was gonna live up to my father's potential. There were beatings…
Dustin: But right now I want to talk about overhead, and overhead in your life. There's a lot of people that will hold you back. I mean, you've met people in your life that have said “No” to you, and you gotta streamline your life.
Bridge: You gotta minimize is the key. You have to minimize your life. Watch too much TV? Cut it out. Maybe you have a friend that's always coming over and wants to talk about things or something. Be social, interact with a person, connect with the person,
Dustin: Talk about your feelings with the person
Bridge: Yeah
Dustin: Have relationships,
Bridge: That's a time suck. Slice that right out. Just take the razor blade and *tss* cut that right out.
Dustin: I fell in love with my high school sweetheart. We got married very early. She wanted to start having children. We had one.
Bridge: You had a child?
Dustin: And that's as far as we went. *sigh*
Bridge: And I'm so glad
Dustin: You know, you go on a few da- that's good
Bridge: Yeah
Dustin: Yeah
Bridge: I'm good I'm go- I'm so glad that you cut that-
Dustin: You date her for several years, seven years, you get married, you have a kid, maybe you have another kid, buy a house
Bridge: Yeah
Dustin: At that point you have to say “hey I don't- look, I don't want to lead you on.”
Bridge: Yeah kids are great. Kids are- kids are so much fun. They’re- it's great! Kids are fun. Disneyland is fun. I'm not going to Disneyland every day. I'm trying to make money. I'm proud. I mean, you should be proud of yourself in that regard.
Dustin: I am proud in there are nights, wake up 3:00 in the morning where I'm screaming and and yelling out into the black void
Bridge: of course
Dustin: And saying “What am I doing? What am I doing! Why did I do this! Who am I!” Being a man, being a real man, a man's man, a grizzled grizzly man, is leaving your family and becoming successful.
Both: *giggles*
Bridge: It it's a beautiful thing starting a family. It is a beautiful thing leaving a family. *laughs*
Dustin: I feel like there's a black stone sitting behind my heart
Bridge: Yeah
Dustin: At all moments of the day.
Bridge: Well it's interesting because I've sort of feel that as well, and it's almost like that stone hardens and becomes- and it like spreads out and
Dustin: Into a suit
Bridge: Yeah it's like
Dustin: Sort of a stone suit
Bridge: It's like a giant suit. Like, it's almost like inside me I feel like a robot, you know. I just feel like a cold steel robot, and that's it's, after a while it starts feeling good. You cherish that cold comfort of steel.
Dustin: That also brings into what you're trying to do with your with your life is essentially become a cyborg in a certain sense, or
Bridge: In a certain sense, in a metaphorical sense, an emotional se- to a degree a physical sense with some of the technology that's going on in emerging tech sectors.
Dustin: I commend you for wanting to become a technical robot
Bridge: Thank you
Dustin: A man who, who is not a man eventually be is a is a is a post-man
Bridge: That's the goal, is to be um the post-man: an American postman
Dustin: I like to imagine that 100 years in the future you're, you become what you want to be: a robot man, a cyborg man, a man who lives beyond his fleshie days, and I'm some sort of biological creature
Bridge: You’ll- like a like a floating vat filled with various cerebrums floating around using drone technology
Both: *giggles*
Bridge: Just, just hovering around the Eastern Seaboard.
Dustin: It makes me so happy to think: you and I would be walking around the post-apocalyptic wasteland that is the world, you in your robot body, and me: a floating brain. Perhaps you're holding the floating brain like a balloon
Bridge: Yeah, amongst amongst a dire nuclear backdrop.
Dustin: This is our dream, and we want to give you this dream as well
Bridge: And that's, yeah, to a degree, what this podcast is about. We hope to pass this beautiful vision
Dustin: I wish to shred my body and become something more. Next episode we have a great man
Bridge: Our great friend, Trainer Stevens. He's a guy who's deeply involved in agricultural innovations
Dustin: Right, when all the food runs out, what do we do?
Bridge: That's a question I think everybody wants to know, and it's gonna be happening fast. Very, very fast. So thanks for listening to this podcast. Stay tuned for newer episodes. This has been a great beginning I think. I mean we're ending right now, but this is the beginning of the end, as Churchill said.
Leonidas: Your women will be slaves.